124, Tower II, M3M, t-point, Sector 65 Gurugram


Acne Treatment

Acne vulgaris is a chronic skin disease involving the oil glands at the base of hair follicles. It can lead to the formation of blackheads, whiteheads, nodules, bumps, and pus-filled lesions on the face, neck, chest, back, and upper arms. Acne starts during adolescence, though it can affect any age group. Adult-onset acne is prevalent in women with underlying hormonal disturbances. Acne impacts a patient's quality of life, affecting self-esteem and psychosocial development. Patients have to take over-the-counter and sometimes prescription-based acne treatments, and choosing the most effective therapy can be confusing.


Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) (syn. autologous platelet gel, plasma-rich growth factors and platelet- concentrated plasma) means “abundant platelets that are concentrated into a small volume of plasma.” It contains an effective concentration of multiple fundamental growth factors (GFs) that promote tissue repair and regeneration.


Skin Care Routine

One of the most common questions asked to dermatologists is “what should my daily skin care routine be?.” Well we at alovia clinic are here to answer these questions for you. Firstly it is important to understand that different people have different skin types and no one regimen will be suitable for all. Broadly these are the steps you should be following:


Skin Care In Pregnancy

Pregnancy influences virtually all the maternal organic systems with the female body going through numerous hormonal, metabolic, immunological, and vascular changes.You’ve probably heard about the “pregnancy glow,” where the skin on your face looks naturally bright and healthy thanks to the hormones your body is churning out. But what’s talked about a lot less are the other skin-related side effects of pregnancy like hyperpigmentation, unwanted growths , acne etc. Around 80-90% women experience significant and complex skin changes that may have a great impact on the woman's life.


Fungal Infections Of The Skin

With the summertime weather approaching, the increasing heat and humidity puts you at a greater risk of developing a fungal infection. fungi often found naturally in air, soil, and water; on plants and skin; and even inside your body, thrive in warm, damp environments, so it’s best to take preventative measures throughout the warmest months of the year.



If you’ve ever wished you could smooth those little worry lines across your forehead, the frown lines or the laugh lines around your mouth, you might have considered cosmetic injections. Botox can be used to treat facial wrinkles. It is a minimally invasive, out-patient procedure that does not involve any surgery.


Under eye pigmentation ("Dark circles")

"Dark circles" or under eye hyperpigmentation represent a common and multifactorial challenge in the world of aesthetic medicine and are the result of a variety of factors. Its common in both men and women and is often accompanied by “eye bags”, which can make you appear older than you are. Throughout cultures, societal perceptions are similar, in that periorbital dark circles contribute to a tired, aged and even sad appearance. Whats worse is that they can be fairly difficult to get rid of. As a result a large portion of your skin care is spent on getting rid of this extremely annoying problem and people often suffer psychologically because of this.


Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers - With an increasing understanding of the aging process and the rapidly growing interest in minimally invasive treatments, injectable facial fillers have changed the perspective for the treatment and rejuvenation of the aging face. They can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fill in scars to reduce the signs of aging and restore youthful facial contours. Their wide availability, immediate results and relatively low cost have contributed to their continued rise in popularity.



The association of sunrays with skin damage have been known since medieval times. The description of the electromagnetic spectrum facilitated the identification of the ultraviolet light spectrum as being responsible for skin damage resulting from prolonged skin exposure. Sunscreens have been used since ancient civilizations with various measures to limit exposure to sun exposure being employed. Awareness of the risks associated with sunrays has been increasing in the last century, and as a result, the science, technologies, and formulation have advanced significantly.


Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal (LHR) is a medical procedure that uses a concentrated beam of light (laser) to remove unwanted hair. Unlike more traditional methods of hair removal which either simply trim the hair to the surface of the skin, or pull the hair out from the root, laser hair removal destroys the hair follicle.

During laser hair removal, a laser emits a light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The light energy is converted to heat, which damages the tube-shaped sacs within the skin (hair follicles) that produce hairs. This process is known as "selective photothermolysis”, which implies a site-specific, thermally mediated injury of microscopic tissue targets in this case a hair follicle.


Skin Care in Children

Skincare in children especially for newborns and infants needs special attention since their skin is soft and very thin. The skin of a newborn is 40-60 times thinner than an adult, comparatively less hydrated, and has a less natural moisturizing factor. Toddlers and young kids are constantly exposed to high levels of dirt and germs since they play in open areas, and meet different people in schools and playgroups. About 30% of children in any pediatric OPD need dermatological attention.

This blog will cover the skincare regimen for newborns and kids.


Reach out to us for any dermatological concerns and let our team of experts help you out.