124, Tower II, M3M, t-point, Sector 65 Gurugram

Fungal infections of the skin

platelet rich plasma therapy

Summers and monsoons are conducive weather for fungal infection. Soaring temperatures and high humidity are perfect ingredients for fungal infection manifestation. It is impossible to get rid of fungi which naturally occur in soil, air, and water and they thrive in a hot and humid climate. So prevention is the best cure, but still, if you get a fungal infection, there is nothing to worry about since it is completely treatable.

Fungal Infection Symptoms
  • Scaly skin
  • Peeling of the skin
  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Swelling
  • Blisters
  • Burning/irritation

Types of fungal infections
Fungal infection Description
Ringworm (Corporis) It is a superficial infection and can affect any part of the skin. It derives its name from the fact that it leads to circular patches of dry scaly skin.

It is highly contagious
Jock itch It is the most common fungal infection and occurs due to sweating and moisture in the area with tight clothing. For example, inner thighs, genitals, buttocks, etc. Initially, a round red itchy rash is developed, which can further spread causing erosions and macerations
Athlete’s foot As is evident from the name, this infection is centered at the foot leading to itching, peeling, cracking, and scaly feet with blisters. It is a result of a warm and wet environment like footwear, pools, locker rooms, public showers, etc.
Tinea Versicolor Naturally occurring yeast on your body multiplies leading to small depigmented areas, especially on the chest, neck area, and the back.

Preventing fungal infections
  • Maintain Adequate Hygiene. Keep your body clean and dry at all times.
  • Wear loose, light clothing in breathable fabrics, such as linen or cotton, to minimize sweating
  • Avoid barefoot walking or wear open footwear around wet and moist areas
  • Don’t share personal clothing or hygiene items with an infected person
  • CChange your undergarments right after intense activity which leads to excessive sweating
  • Keep your skin dry
  • Cleanse, wash and rinse regularly and dry properly, especially between toes

It is inevitable to sweat in Indian climatic conditions. We can however take good care of personal hygiene to avoid any fungal infections. Still, if you get it, then there is nothing to panic about. Nip the problem in the bud before it becomes bigger and takes longer to heal. Contact your dermatologist at the first instance of infection or visit us at Alovia clinic.

If you are interested in learning more about Fungal Infections, please click here and send a query to Alovia Clinic, or reach out to our expert Dr. Naren Parkash

Reach out to us for any dermatological concerns and let our team of experts help you out.