124, Tower II, M3M, t-point, Sector 65 Gurugram


platelet rich plasma therapy

One of the most common questions asked to dermatologists is “what should my daily skin care routine be?.” Well we at alovia clinic are here to answer these questions for you.

Firstly it is important to understand that different people have different skin types and no one regimen will be suitable for all. Broadly these are the steps you should be following:


Your morning skin care should first start with cleansing. This involves clearing the face of any dirt or debris. People with oily skin can go for glycolic or salicylic acid based cleansers whereas for a drier skin type soap-free or mild oil cleansers should be used. Cleansers should have a balanced ph and should be used again at night to remove all the grease/makeup.


Toners are designed to replenish skin through hydration and remove dead cells and dirt left behind after cleansing. It helps tighten the open pores and prevent skin aging. It should be applied straight after cleansing, either tap directly onto the skin or dab onto a cotton pad and gently apply to the skin. The choice of toner will depend on the skin type, with milder chemicals like rose water good for dry skin and the stronger hydroxyl acids or alcohol based ones good for oily skin. One should be careful with alcohol based toners as their overuse can cause irritation.

Antioxidant serums

An antioxidant-based serums prevent skin against damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Vitamins C and E are common antioxidants used to improve texture and firmness. Always test a new product in a small area to see how it works on your skin and with the other products in your routine. Vitamin C is a molecule that helps in rejuvenation, pigment lightening, anti-aging, fine line reduction. It can be used both during the day as well as night time. Serums with vitamin E are deeply moisturizing and nourishing and can be used on damaged skin.


This step is often neglected but is one of the most important part of your skin care routine. Pollution levels, change in humidity, environmental factors etc. affect the skins hydration and deprives the skin of its moisture levels. Dry and dehydrated skin is prone to eczemas and allergies. A moisturizer will soothe and soften skin. If you have a dry skin type, opt for a cream or balm, whereas fluids and gels are recommended for oilier types. Glycerine, ceramides, peptides etc are some of the ingredients to look for. Ideally moisturizers should be applied both during the day and before sleeping.


Sunscreen is a critical step in your morning skin care routine and is essential for all skin types to protect against UV induced damage. Pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkling, sagging, all appear on the skin due to effect of UV light, thus it is important to protect the skin from it. This warranties religious use of sunscreen. It should spread liberally over your face and applied 15 to 30 minutes before you go outside. Never apply skin care products on top, as this can dilute the sunscreen. Reapply sunblock to your face and body every 2 hours while spending time in the sun. The formulation selected depends on the skin type. Gel based formulations are recommended for oily and acne prone skin, lotions and creams and lotions suit normal to dry skin type.

If you are interested in learning more about Skin care, please click here and send a query to Alovia Clinic, or reach out to our expert Dr. Naren Parkash

Reach out to us for any dermatological concerns and let our team of experts help you out.